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Foucault's Pendulum
Umberto Eco
Odyseja kosmiczna
Arthur C. Clarke
Przedsiebiorczosc zdyscyplinowana Od startupu do sukcesu w 24 krokach
Bill Aulet
Biznesowy savoir - vivre. Wszystko, co szanujący się biznesmen o etykiecie wiedzieć powinien
Barbara Pachter
Pułapki small biznesu. 133 mity, które niszczą Twoją firmę
Marek Jankowski
Podręcznik startupu. Budowa wielkiej firmy krok po kroku
Bob Dorf, Steve Blank
Jak pomnażać oszczędności?
Maciej Samcik
A Short History of Nearly Everything
Bill Bryson
Terry Pratchett
The Social Animal
Elliot Aronson

Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution--and How It Can Renew America

Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution--and How It Can Renew America - Thomas L. Friedman Really deep insight into global warming and energy transformation issues. Friedman described various aspects of economy mechanisms beyond oil industry and recent depression. Defined main goals for America's development concerning ecology/energy challenges. His address is alarming and slightly exaggerated in some parts of the book. Calling to outgreen" China is reasonable and urgent task. For the author of the book this "fabric of the world" is like a bus from "Speed" film starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. It will blow after reaching certain speed level (of Chinese economy ending up in social or/and environmental crisis). Friedman would like to see once again US as a saviour of the world - a blue print for other nations which will eagerly fallow the leader in so called Energy-Climate Era. Maybe it is wishful and conceited thinking but the arguments presented in the book are convincing. It's main idea is based on interviews with many scientists